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Saturday, January 25, 2025

grocery shopping!

    hi guys! me, Sirkorgo© The Character,not Sirkorgo The Person! today i wanted to tell you guys about something cool that happened to me today! today i was just walking down arnie st. (my electric unicycle broke down) when i saw a cool street performer! he was killing it on the ocarina, so i decided to lend him a few bucks!  "it's my treat!" 

     anyway i went to the grocery store today! i was there on a Mission. to find the Elusive... Series 2 Ink Inc. Mystery Box... just to see? today's the release day, you've heard, right!? and lo and behold, they... DIDN'T HAVE THEM!!! some collector nerds went and bought the whole store out...

    i tell ya, some of these people are ruining the hobby for others! and most people are only looking for MONEY!! what about the people that want to open boxes for themselves and enjoyment!? have you ever thought of THEM?? 

    sigh... eventually i realized that "oh, i'm actually running low on food" so i figured i'd stay and go to another store afterwards. i had to pull up my notes app to see my shopping list i made conveniently the day before. it says:

•Full fat anything

•Cloud cakes

•Misty stew


That new mystery box thing


    anyway after i was done grocery shopping i head home and im writing this right now! it's 3:74 p.m. and i'm microwaving some stuff in the fridge as we speak. see you next time!

            -sirkorgo ^w^

    p.s. they ran out of baguettes at the grocery store so i had to walk to my local store. they were out too </3

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